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Monthly Archives: October 2009


The Avatar Portrait Special is now live and will run till November 20th, 2009.
For 40$ USD, I will do a painting of your character’s portrait. This is only for the head of your character. You will get an avatar size file, a wall paper file and an 8 x 10 inch print!!!  This is a limited time special and will only go till the 20th of November. Your Order and money must be sent to me by then. I am very likely to add other details suiting to your character into the portrait. Just have a look at what I created Last year I ran this special.

These are an excellent present for yourself or someone you love. Most characters types are accepted. Please email or IM me if you have any questions.
For those short on money, I am running a special for those wishing to advertise for me. For ever 1 buying customer you send me during this special, you get a 5 dollar credit towards a painting of your own. That can go towards one of these small paintings or towards a really grand painting.

To begin, you will need to follow a couple steps.
1. Read the portrait rules. (If you are wanting more than a portrait commission, please visit this page instead)
2. Fill out and email the order form. Copy and paste into an email. Send to
3. Wait for a reply and payment request.
4. Make a payment.
5. Wait for your painting

Payment methods accepted. Paypal prefered,(major credit cards accepted) Check and money order. Remember, the longer it takes for the money to arrive, the longer it will take to receive your painting.

For those wishing to advertise for me and earn credit towards future purchases, please send me an email.

The holidays are here. I am open for commissions now. Get your orders in soon so as to make sure your paintings are done by the deadline.

A heads up. Next week I am starting my holiday special for face portraits, $40 USD for a custom head shot of your toon. It will include a wallpaper file, avatar file and an 8×10 that you can frame and hang by your desk. $3 for US shipping and $5 USD for everywhere else in the world. I will also have a banner and code for those wishing to advertise for me. If anyone who makes a purchase tells me you sent them, you will get $5 off your order.

I will have a small portfolio up for you to visit to see some of the work I have done in the past along with a rough price guideline  for those of you looking for larger commissions.

Let your friends know!

Lately, I have been back role playing in Wow.I have a couple girl friends that are two of the coolest girls. Totally supportive of me and just a blast to chat with. Role playing is something that really gets my fingers itching to create. I have here a few images that I did for fun. Very small images and the one of the naked blood elf I may decide to revisit and finish in the future but it is more for fun. It is a delight to make my girl friends giggle like school girls
Both paintings were done completely free hand with only a semi transparent brush and smudge tool. All except the frame and deck in the sun elf picture.
I am hoping tomorrow provides an oppertunity to create my first tutorial.