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This is both a post for creation but also for role play. I have been blessed with a very dear friend and a muse in the digital realm. Not Only has he been inspiration but he has also been a teacher from almost day one. He helped me to aspire to reach my potential as a creator. I am still pushing to meet that goal. However, he did gift me with some creative writing and allowed my alter ego, the character I play to grow as a character.

Many Years ago, I did a paintings called Jelly Dancer. Mio, my fae has a lot of similarities of sea life. I like to give the description, “She has the coloration of rat fish, the blood of a jelly fish, sees like an electric eel, hunts like a cuddle fish. Now take all of that and stick it on the body of a Barbie doll and you got an idea of what she looks like, only she glows.” My friend, who I will call “The Dancer” treated me to some incredible writing. Mio fell in love with the dancer and in return he gave a part of himself. As a result, new life was created.


That is the painting I did. However, Given the limitations of prim count and such in Second Life I was unable to get this exactly, although I think it will make for a beautiful Avatar.  Now here are the resulting creations using mesh, animation, texture and scripts.

The “Faebies” as I have come to call them will be born next week in a role play with friends. 😀

In the Unseelie Court the Mound is taking form to greet its court…and it is being done by my hand. How cool is that. Literally, icy cold. It is an honor to be given the trust to create something completely new.

Next time I do an audio walk though, i will do it after I have actually had some sleep. I can barely talk.*giggles*


All honor and Glory to Him,

God Bless.

Love, Mioruilt

In the world of Second Life, in the lands of Sylvhara, there is a new queen of the Fae. My character, Mio. Wow. Was not in my plan when I first came there but such an honor to be trusted with such a position. In the midst of these wonderful people I have grown so much as a person. They have embraced me for the eccentric, anti social, artistic, and often emotionally unstable person I am.

Okay, so about creations. So along with my characters new look, I have embraced the mesh body. It is rather a pain to get set up as many of my favorite outfits are no longer applicable due to needing appliers and a lot of designers have not caught up or have the desire to. I seen it as a necessary step as someone wanting to make avatars and skins to experience it myself. So I have learned to make the appliers for skin and tattoo layers and I am pleased with that accomplishment.

Another thing I have been learning is the fitted mesh. It started with a set of ears but now I am making posed models with some created attachments. That was a major under taking and was basically a week in front of the computer. What I have managed to create as a rough run through was a Fae guard for the New Captain of the Guard, the Fae’s ex queen. I will be doing animated versions of these creations in time to be attached companions. Currently they are static. Mio, the queen has two escorts and here they are for you too see. My next task is materials!

Mio and guards_001

So one thing have to say right now. I am blessed. Life is amazing but I have to say thank you to my new SL family in the GA. You have all given me a place to call home and finally put down roots. Just so you know, Miraculous Fae is Miraculous Rae who is the fae known as Mio in the GA.

I am working on the Sim Alasse to get it ready for some really fun cross sim RP. This included building some new mesh formations that will be completely unique to the sim.

Snapshot_001 Once the sim is complete enough, I will get started on a line of skins that I will affectionately call, “Fae Touched”

This is going to be a blog and visuals of my SL creations, included skins, mesh and avatars

Watching my last airbrushed project gets me inspired to start something new

I am horrible about updating this blog. So ours about time I stated using it instead of my face book account.I’m headed too bed right now but this is just the beginning. I will put my art, videos and posts here in a nice organized fashion. So God bless and a happy new year.

So this is so very long over due. I just recieved an email for a commission. THis will be the first real commission for one of my paintings in almost 3 years. How exciting. So today I will be working. If you are wanting a commission but can’t afford one, be sure to enter the raffles. A great chance of winning and even if you don’t, you don’t loose your money. Just a nice savings account to save up for something for yourself or someone you love.

I can’t wait to see you!

Halloween was great inspiration and really got me creating. I took the kids trick or treating downtown and I don’t think I have ever had so many people take my picture of me or my art…ever! It was odd but very awesome. I admit to loving attention even if it stresses me out to the point of getting sick. I even made it in to the local city events site! Very cool!

This is me and my sculpture

Not a great picture but it was a lot of fun. The kids are just off to the side of the camera grabbing candy. It was difficult to keep track of them but I have to say I was so proud of them. Can’t wait to share more!

As much as I love this Blog, it doesn’t really serve my purpose for my business but I will keep using it to update everyone. I have a new domain name and site that brings all my information, works and store together for everyone’s convenience.  I really hope to see  the site take off. Facebook is great for family but it can tend to clash with business. I really don’t want complete strangers seeing everything about me. 😀 So for friends and Fans alike, I hope this site will be way more to your liking.


Check it out!